Anger is a completely consuming emotion, driving away all logic and reason but it solves nothing.
Anger makes us unkind and unreasonable, often to those that care about us the most.
Anger can make us appear cruel and uncaring, frightening even.
So, where does it come from?
It's a primitive defence response, triggered when we feel threatened and/or overwhelmed. You might be struggling with caring responsibilities or with your job. You might be suffering after a bereavement or a relationship break-up. Or life might be slowly grinding you down.
There are lots of things that you can do to help yourself. Ask for help from family and friends. Take time out for yourself when you can and pamper yourself. Focus on getting good sleep and doing the things that you enjoy. It really helps us regain a healthy focus on our daily life. I've previously posted a link to the NHS guidance on anger, but here it is again
And if you are still struggling seek professional help. This might be your GP, a therapist, and hypnotherapy can be really effective.